May Highlights

The five weeks since we’ve been home have absolutely flown by, between family get togethers, catching up with friends, and attempting to figure out our next steps (i.e. job, place to live), life has been anything but boring. We are enjoying every minute of this time with friends/family as well as our remarkably flexible daily schedules. Here are a few highlights from the month of May:


  1. Cobb Salad with Avocado for a healthy lunch date at Panera with mom
  2. Cheering on my brother at his final track meet as a junior
  3. Can’t get enough of Joe Fresh’s collection for JCPenney’s
  4. My new June Ab challenge. Join me? Please?
  5. Rough day for these three ladies – comfy blanket and napping through Casablanca
  6. Memorial Day donuts – I mean we HAD to, they had patriotic sprinkles!
  7. Dressing up my favorite Gap denim with a floral blouse and heels
  8. Taste testing at the local brewery
  9. Can’t believe my sister-in-law graduated high school, all grown up and beautiful


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