Nomination Love

An enormous thanks to Kelsey Reinhart of Kelsey’s Thoughts and Sarai over at Cloudy With A Chance of Sarai for nominating me for both the Very Inspiring Blogger and One Lovely Blog Awards!  Thank you so much ladies!

The rules for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and One Lovely Blog Award are:

Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them in your post, share 7 things about yourself, nominate 15 bloggers you admire, leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated.

Seven Things About Yours Truly:

  1. I rarely change out of workout clothes Monday thru Friday. Hey, don’t judge, I play with kids all day!
  2. Post-it notes, ballpoint pens, and to-do-lists make me giddy.
  3. Checking the mail tops my list of favorite things to do.
  4. I’m married to my elementary school sweetheart.
  5. I’ve run two Chicago marathons and four half marathons.
  6. I hate to admit it, but I LOVE zoning out at the end of the day by watching TV while curled in a warm blanket on the couch.
  7. I’ve lived in Germany and China for two summers and traveled to Italy, Mexico, and Amsterdam (and hopefully more in the future!).

Fifteen Bloggers I LOVE Reading Everyday:

  1. thetwentysixthyear
  2. Sadie & Dasie
  3. Sprinkle Joy
  4. Simply Gina
  5. Chanel Wears
  6. Rantings of an Amateur Chef
  7. J&J Collections
  8. Sugar & Cloth
  9. Kate Spanish
  10. A Big Life
  11. Say Yes To Happy
  12. Love & Lumiere
  13. One House, One Couple
  14. The Life Styled Blog
  15. M&J Blog

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