Striped Dress, Two Ways

The purchasing of new clothing items happens way more frequently than it should, however, the returning of said purchases occurs just as frequently.  Why?  If I don’t immediately wear the item or can’t figure out how to wear it at least two different ways, it goes into the return pile and back to the store.  Recently I purchased this pink and orange striped dress from Forever 21 even though it had a high return potential due to the colors resembling a watermelon, the tight material, and the appropriateness of this dress anywhere besides the beach.  Fortunately once I got home, I realized this dress could easily resemble a t-shirt with the addition of a skirt and the tightness could be downplayed by layering a loose button-up over the top.  I think it’s a keeper.  Which look do your prefer?  Dressy/professional or casual/bohemian?  Any other styling suggestions for this dress?